Sometimes our shipping warehouse is out of stock of the exact products you purchased.

If they are planning to get a refill soon (within 1 week) we usually ask them to wait and ship only after the correct products are available.
But if they are uncertain about the refill date we always ask to send a replacement. This is done to make sure that you will get your products on time cause lots of customers are missing items for the next cycle.

When we have to replace the brand we always ask to send a more expensive one. This means that you get the products of the same quality but from a more expensive brand.

In a rare case when we replace the brand you purchase with a lower price brand we are always ready to send you the difference back to you: we send back part of your payment plus add some bonus products to your next order.

If you got a substance of lower dosage you need to check the quantity of ampoules/vials/pills you got. Because if we are forced to replace 50mg tabs with 25mg tabs we always ship double quantity to make sure that you will get the desired dosage.

BUT IF OUR REPLACEMENT DOES NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY please submit a ticket with the subject "Wrong brand/dosage" HERE and we will try to work something out.